


正式发布時间:2021-05-28 14:34:00 人气:0 特征:admin

        辉门环新(安庆)粉化冶金工程有限责任工司(FMAP)坐落在江西安庆市制作区工业品园,是江西环新群 (ARN)、新西兰辉门群(FM)、日式TPR日矿(TPR)三通之间进行投资,产量高性气门座圈、气门软管和泄压阀涡轮增压器衬套的小轿车零元件公司企业。于2016年6月开端投建,20十五7月真正的批处理购货。        FMAP选广泛用于气门座圈、 气门软管和泄压阀增压机衬套的建材在高溫耐用橡胶损、 轴承润滑油和热机械性能指标问题主要表现优秀。 其耐用橡胶损和抗出现摩擦功效可广泛用于于很多车用汽油和重油气门传送组织 和非常规操作环境,譬如操作替换液体然料或以次充好液体然料,黏稠和环保烟引燃。        FMAP的高耐热性粉状有色金属冶炼板材一样应使用涡轮增压增压轻批量热车机常温工业废气、 恶劣偏磨等挑剔的负荷率周围环境。        Federal-Mogul (Anqing) Powder Metallurgy Co., Ltd(FMAP) a joint venture of Chinese ARN Group Co., Ltd (ARN), Federal-Mogul Powertrain, and TPR company of Japan, is located in the industrial park at Anqing Economic and Technological Development Zone in Anhui, FMAP produces powder metal valve seat inserts, guides and turbocharger bushings for engine application. FMAP was built start from June 2014 and delivered first SOP parts in October 2015.        FMAP valve seat insert, valve guide and turbocharger bushing materials are developed to deliver superior performance in the area of high temperature wear resistance, lubrication and thermo-physical properties. The resulting wear and scuff resistance suit a variety of gasoline and diesel valve train configurations and specific requirements, such as alternative and poor quality fuel operation, reduced fuel enrichment and low-soot combustion.        FMAP ’ s high performance powder metal materials are tailored to serve the specific and extreme tribological requirements of components exposed to high temperatur.


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